Wednesday, 21 November 2012

'The End'- Swati

Well. We're verrrrrrry sorry that we are a new blog and we have been absolutely inactive. But, we were both a little caught up with some personal matters of our own. Sorrry! To make up, here's a little poem I wrote recently. It's a sad one. I hope you like it! Let me know what you think in the comments!

I look at him with tear-filled eyes,
Shake my head and disagree.
This IS over,
I repeat to him and me.
Don’t do this, don’t stand here,
Just please leave, like you did, again.
Don’t give me anymore reasons,
Don’t keep making excuses, anymore.
This time, I decide,
And I decided that this is done.
I don’t want to let you fight
For another chance, that you might.
I don’t want you to be around,
To stick and to talk.
You talk about the old times,
Old memories, past kisses,
And the left behind.
I stand and listen,
Because, I remembered a different time.
I remembered waiting-
And lot of crying.
I remembered sitting there,
Telling my friends, weeping,
About what happened.
I remember everything,
Just I remember it different.

This IS the end,
I can’t keep doing this anymore,
This conversation, this argument-
Us, I can’t do it anymore, again.
I cannot sit there,
Thinking it’s all my wrong, again.
This is the end.

November 14, 2012


  1. Please go back to telling us more about yourselves instead of writing sad poems. Even if it means talking about what Taylor Swift songs mean to you.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I couldn't help but notice how sarcastic the last part was.
