Thursday, 14 February 2013

Of Murakami and Love

So. It’s Valentine’s Day.

Today, I walked about 7 km today in total. Murakami talks about running in one of his work whose name I forgot. I even forgot what he says about running. I was trying to think up of a link between his runs and my walks but because I had abandoned the book after 50 pages, I must not have agreed with what he had to say about running.

The first time I actually recognized my desire to walk was right after when I came back from Getaway Camp in Sattal. After doing intense physical activities like playing dodgeball for what seemed like a couple of hours and trekking everyday for three days, I come back to Delhi and find that I am the least physically active person because I couldn’t find anything to do here. By the evening of my first day back here, I grew so restless that I knew I had to do something. So I went on a leisurely 5 km walk.

During that 5 km walk, I contemplated this sudden urge to do something. It might have been a change in biological clock, but my body adapts to change in schedules very quickly. Also, I have been living in this monstrous city for longer than I had been in Sattal. It should’ve been like falling back to my daily routine.
The answer was so bloody simple that I couldn’t believe it. Walking for me is cathartic. It purges all the mental stress I have, thanks to living in a city. The physical activity distracts me from my mental activities and I can sleep so much better at night.

I think everyone has something or the other that gives them such peace. And I think all of us require peace, especially because of the world we live in.

Oh, and about that Valentine’s Day comment? This is another year that went by when I was single, so I’m not going to say anything  ._.

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