Friday, 11 October 2013

The Shades of Autumn

I was going to name this entry 'Autumn blues', but Autumn isn't blue and 'Autumn Oranges' sounded just strange, so I thought 'The Shades of Autumn' should be okay. 

So, it's October again. The weather turned beautiful today, which is strange because usually, Autumn turns up in December where I live. However, I'm miserable because I'm not enjoying the good weather. I have an exam on 17th and a submission on 23rd, and life is just being sapped out of me by work. My exam is on writngs by Foucault, and I had to read too many articles by Foucault in a very short amount of time. Although I love Foucault, reading so much of him in a very short amount of time is counterproductive as I can't internalize it. Internalize might be the wrong word because it implies that I adopt it for myself without questioning it. Maybe 'praxis' would be a better word. Now only if I knew it's verb form :P

Anyway, it's already 10th October and NaNoWriMo is coming back again in another 21 days. I did start something last year, but that fell through horribly because the plot was so weak that I couldn't take it forward. I learnt a lot of lessons from last year's NaNoWriMo.

  1. I cannot write for extended periods of time in first person.
  2. I cannot write only romances or political/business drama or crime thrillers.
  3. My plots are rubbish.
Yeah. So, I have no idea what to write for this NaNoWriMo. I really want to write something, though. I've never been able to write something long. Mostly because I lose interest because the plot sucks, but also because I frequently get writer's blocks. That's why I think it'd be a great idea to have a Beta (editor who gives inputs on the plot and other aspects) or a co-writer. If you're interested, please please please comment on this post. I don't want another NaNoWriMo to pass by with me doing nothing.